If you’re a parent, you know that taking care of a child is an intensive and long-term commitment. If you’re a pet (especially a dog) parent, you know that taking care of your pup is no less of a commitment than taking care of a human child. Your responsibility as a dog parent does not end with arranging for a house for dogs. In fact, it’s just the beginning. Fortunately, help is at hand. Today, we bring to you a set of handy tips that will help you care for your fur-iend in a much better way.
First and foremost comes food. Well-balanced, nutritious food is the best building block for a great healthy life for your dog. Feed it with protein-rich food on a regular schedule as per their age. Avoid food that’s heavy in carbohydrates or fat. Make sure that it drinks enough water, but do not force feed it. Keep the water available, and your dog will drink it on its own. In case of doubt, consult your vet.
Maintain a clean, protected environment for your dog. This not only includes giving them a fixed place in the house, but also getting a dog hut or a dog house that they can call their own. Yes, you heard that right! A house just for them gives your dog a sense of belonging and comfort. You can also provide placemats so that they can relax when tired.
Dogs are active animals and need ample amounts of exercise. Take them out for walks, play with them and you will find that they not only provide you with enjoyment and affection, but also stay fit and healthy while doing so. However, avoid taking them on walks when the temperature is too high or low. If you have to take them for a walk in cold climates, you can make them wear hoodies and jackets so that they are well-protected. Also, a harness and leash for dogs is essential while taking them out for a walk, so that they don’t run after stray animals or vehicles.
It is important to consult a good dog veterinarian. This helps to maintain a regular check on your dog’s health and get dietary or other medical advice. As and when needed, get your dog vaccinated against the common ailments/infections prevalent locally.
Ensure that your dog is groomed properly and their nails are trimmed regularly. This keeps them from scratching and hurting themselves and others. Oh, and it keeps your furniture and other objects around safe, too. Since dogs can be prone to gum infection, do check their mouth regularly for any signs of any dental disorders and get them treated if necessary.
Last but not the least, talk to them! While this may sound obvious and basic, it is extremely important to communicate and form a relationship with your dog. This not only establishes trust between them and you, it also makes you more aware of their behaviour and lets you know when something is wrong with their mood or health.
With these simple tips, we’re sure that your life journey with your four-legged friend will be an enriching and happy one. Let the happiness begin. Woof woof!